Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Yannis Behrakis

“It’s very hard working on a big story in your home country... the emotional pressure is enormous when you see your friends and family suffer.” - Yannis Behrakis.  I found this quote in an article about how the photographer has struggled with emotional involvement this past year. The article was very interesting and provided good insight to his work. It can be found at  http://www.thebaron.info/people/yannis-behrakis-photographer-of-the-year-struggled-with-emotional-involvement.  I really enjoyed looking through his different online photo collections. I think that his photos are interesting and captivating because of their honesty. I felt like each picture captured a different emotion and showed a different side of the story. This is a very unique quality because it shows such a huge range in his abilities and perceptions. I think it is astonishing how his photos can make people feel so many different emotions at once. 

photo taken by Yannis Behrakis
This is one of the images chosen by The Guardian. The caption states that it was taken in Lesbos at a makeshift camp. The picture shows a refugee trying to stay warm by a fire. I think this picture is really interesting. One of the first things that I noticed was the different light sources in the image. I think that these light sources really help with the movement of the photo. They carry the eyes in a very interesting pattern across the page. I also really liked the colors in this image. There is an interesting contrast in the warmth and coolness of the lower halve of the picture and the top halve of the picture. 


My name is Lindsey Larsen. I am a senior Mass Communications student. I grew up in Pocatello, Idaho. I have always had an interest in communication especially journalism. My mother was a broadcast journalist so I grew up chasing stories with her. As I have taken classes I have become very interested in other aspects of communication as well including public relations and social media consultation. I would hope to continue exploring these fields. Unfortunately the only photography equipment I currently have is an iPhone. One of the primary reasons I wanted to take this class is to learn more about photography. I also want to continue to develop skills as a journalist, and create a portfolio of my work.